
May 14, 2013

What is “the cloud” and what

Cumulous? Nimbostratus? Computers? What’s all this “cloud” talk?   To steal a technological analogy, think of “the cloud” like you think of electricity. Most of us don’t […]
April 20, 2013

How to Backup Your Computer

We all know life is full of the unexpected, right? We never know when disaster may strike, and sadly, our technology isn’t immune. As much as we can rely […]
December 21, 2012

Android: Holidays 2012

[singlepic id=10 w=400 h=280 float=center] Whether you’re shopping for your brother or your grandma, smartphones and tablets are a perfect gift idea this Christmas season. People […]
September 30, 2011

Harmony Link!

[singlepic id=1 w=800 h=440 template=caption float=center] Our clients are going to LOVE this new device from Logitech!  The Harmony Link allows you to install an app on […]