Do you provide support for repairs?
May 12, 2024What should I consider when buying a new computer or smartphone?
May 12, 2024Setting up new technology is straightforward with the help of our knowledgeable Neighborhood Nerds. Here’s how you can get the assistance you need:
- Initial Consultation: Call our remote help nerds to discuss your needs. This conversation helps us prepare effectively for your specific requirements.
- Preparation of Gizmo Guides: Based on your needs, we create customized Gizmo Guides. These guides outline the plan for your installation and are shared with you before the nerd visit to ensure everyone is clear about the process and objectives.
- On-Site Assistance: During the visit, our nerds work alongside you to complete the new installation. They act as tech advisors and provide an extra set of hands for tasks that require it—whether that’s holding a ladder while mounting a TV or setting up complex home automation systems.
Our approach emphasizes collaboration and empowerment, involving you in the process to enhance your understanding and skills. While we provide support and guidance, we encourage member participation to ensure you are confident with your new tech.